
Equity markets

In all official documentation, the Capital Markets Union (CMU) is considered a key pillar in the Commission’s Investment Plan for Europe and an important part of the work on the completion of the European Economic and Monetary Union.
Through the CMU, the European Commission aims to facilitate firms’ financial funding by fostering investments and increasing financial integration in European capital markets.
Whilst the Banking Union refers to the 19 Euro area countries, at inception the CMU was envisaged for EU28 members.

The Private Sector amid Conflict: The Case of Libya

Libya’s economic stability should be a priority for the international community. Although the private sector is an integral part of the Libyan economy, limited systematic information is available on how the prolonged conflict in Libya affected the private sector and the implications for a postconflict recovery. Using original survey data, The Private Sector amid Conflict aims to fill this gap by analyzing how the private sector has coped with the conflict and examining resilience and postconflict optimism. The conflict has profoundly affected the Libyan private sector.

Making do with what you have. Conflict, input misallocation, and firm performance

This article investigates whether conflict induces distortions in the functioning and accessibility of markets for production inputs and in their allocation among firms. We study firm operations and outcomes in the context of Palestine during the Second Intifada. We analyse input usage over time across districts experiencing differential changes in conflict intensity. Conflict induces firms to substitute domestically produced materials for imported ones.

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