flood risk

Experiencing, caring, coping: Vested interest mediates the effect of past experience on coping behaviors in environmental risk contexts

Social psychology provides a treasure-trove of insights into adaptations that may limit the devastating effects of climate change. Vested Interest Theory may contribute to this knowledge base, suggesting that one's vested interest may significantly influence appropriate coping behaviors, as it is has been shown to enhance the relation between attitudes and self-relevant behaviors. The theory's utility is investigated in an environmental risk context.

Mediterranean city and flood: a systemic approach to risk mitigation

Urban areas are suffering increasing vulnerability to flooding due to the lack of a cultural, scientific and operative framework to mitigate risks connected to these events. Indeed, prevention and management of such hazards have always been carried out with defensive actions aimed at realizing a technology-based control over natural dynamics through traditional engineering solutions, disregarding the essential role of other connected disciplines.

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