
Emotional evaluation of lighting in university classrooms: a preliminary study

In educational environments an improvement in the quality of interior lighting has a direct benefit in increasing productivity and alertness of students and teachers, as well as very important implications for the energy efficiency of the education facilities but when a replacement with different lighting is analyzed, research may be tarnished by users’ pre-formed opinions, influenced by manufacturers and advertising. Consequently, it is necessary to understand the users’ point of view, even before of being subjected to any change in the lighting stimulus.

MicroRNAs delivery into human cells grown on 3D-printed PLA scaffolds coated with a novel fluorescent PAMAM dendrimer for biomedical applications

Many advanced synthetic, natural, degradable or non-degradable materials have been employed to create scaffolds for cell culture for biomedical or tissue engineering applications. One of the most versatile material is poly-lactide (PLA), commonly used as 3D printing filament. Manufacturing of multifunctional scaffolds with improved cell growth proliferation and able to deliver oligonucleotides represents an innovative strategy for controlled and localized gene modulation that hold great promise and could increase the number of applications in biomedicine.

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