
Engineering human-scale artificial bone grafts for treating critical-size bone defects

The manufacturing of artificial bone grafts can potentially circumvent the issues associated with current bone grafting treatments for critical-size bone defects caused by pathological disorders, trauma, or massive tumor ablation. In this study, we report on a potentially patient-specific fabrication process in which replicas of bone defects, in particular zygomatic and mandibular bones and phalanxes of a hand finger, were manufactured by laser stereolithography an used as templates for the creation of PDMS molds.

6 - Gas foaming technologies for 3D scaffold engineering

The effect of scaffold pore size and interconnectivity as well as porosity are undoubtedly crucial factors for most tissue engineering applications. This premise is the basis of worldwide efforts that have been spent to develop increasingly sophisticate fabrication techniques to control the scaffold microarchitecture and build efficient synthetic analogues of extracellular matrix.

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