food practices

Domestic and communal cooking at the dawn of urbanisation in Greater Mesopotamia and the specialisation of bread production

Nelle società della Grande Mesopotamia, le élites dominanti fondarono il loro potere sulle comunità rurali principalmente attraverso il controllo delle materie prime, tra cui il cibo era uno dei beni più importanti. L’accumulo e la ridistribuzione del cibo, in contesti cerimoniali e amministrativi furono fattori determinanti nel processo che portò alle formazioni proto-statali, e furono strumenti politici, sociali ed economici essenziali nelle mani delle élite.

Isotopic evidence of diet variation at the transition between classical and post-classical times in Central Italy

This work examines the carbon and nitrogen composition of human and animal collagen from the Roman necropolis of Lucus Feroniae (Rome, 1st–3rd century AD) and the Longobard cemetery of La Selvicciola in northern Latium (Viterbo, 7th century AD), with a special focus on possible dietary variations at the transition between classical and post-classical times. A substantial isotopic difference between the two series reveals distinct dietary practices at the two sites, especially the consumption of cereals and contribution of other foodstuffs to a mainly grain-based diet.

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