
The city of Agrigento. The form and the space of the city: an interscalar approach

The interscalar approach to the project is a dimension and an operative parameter through which it’s
possible to know the territory and its relations with urban systems in order to understand its principles,
nature, organization and role played in different contexts: however, it’s very often understood as a
mere technical tool that allows you to show details and relationships between the parties and to identify
adequate strategies for action and planning of interventions. The following contribution aims to bring

The city of Venice. The form and the space

The city is a ‘system of connection’: a set of relationships between building typology and urban morphology, between the positioning of the monuments in relation to the fabrics, between the discipline of the plan and the need to give form to places and spatial quality of contexts. This ‘system of connection’ is evident in the historical city, which is structured through the formation of dense and compact ‘fabrics’ and recognizes its element of formation in the concept of ‘urban block’.

The research of the form in the construction of the contemporary city

The architectural culture of the twentieth century has addressed a very specific theme: the search for a rule of construction of open spaces in the contemporary city, which is identified and shared as was that of enclosed spaces in the pre-nineteenth and nineteenthcentury cities.1 Unfortunately the attempt is still failed, because, as declared by Vittorio Gregotti, the contemporary models and theories have degenerated into the deregulation of the city, where the relationship with open space has been transformed from a structuring element of urban places to dispersion and fragmentation.

Structure vs. Form. Toward an open architecture

Architecture is above all structure: the organisation and relationship between parts existing within a stable system of references. Architectural form possesses the vividness of a completed sign, the clarity of a closed gesture: a completeness that, nonetheless, accepting change only with great difficulty, is able to repel the inexorable flow of life. Change, in fact, is the basic state of the human condition.

Form follows education. L’evoluzione dell’architettura degli edifici scolastici in relazione alle nuove metodologie pedagogiche

L'evoluzione dell'architettura degli edifici scolastici in relazione alle nuove metodologie pedagogiche.
La scuola dell’infanzia di oggi si presenta come un complesso organismo architettonico, le cui forme e ambienti hanno un grande
potenziale: facilitare l’apprendimento, nonché stimolare la creatività e la sensibilità dei bambini. La sua progettazione richiede, quindi,
un approfondimento sui moderni metodi didattici, per poter raggiungere il giusto equilibrio tra architettura e pedagogia.

The role, structure and status of Aristotle's Physics I

The essay addresses the general issues of the role, structure and status of Physics I. First, I seek to clarify the sense in which Physics I is the beginning of Aristotle’s physical project. I argue that, although Physics I’s inquiry is of a scientific and physical kind, it is a relatively free-standing treatise, which plays an introductory role aimed at, as it were, setting the scene for the project as a whole. I highlight various clues that show Physics I’s introductory role: the way in which it describes the central object of natural science (i.e.

The democratic value of law. Hans Kelsen on the theory and praxis of relativism

The Pure Theory of Law means the guarantee of a science, which is neutral with respect to subjective values and the elaboration of a scientific analysis of law. The principle that no values should prevail over others means primarily that all of them must be afforded the same opportunities to enter into comparison and competition with each other. Each value thus has a dignity that is equal to all others, because here value-freedom means relativism. Relativism, therefore, does not mean an indifference to values, but an alternative to the two extremes of dogmatism and scepticism.

L’ipotesi di Parmenide in Parm. 137b1-4: cosmologia, enologia o ontologia?

In Plato’s Parmenides (135c8-d5), Parmenides suggests Socrates to practice a dialectical exercise before the search for truth: this exercise consists in verifying the logical consistence of the consequences of a certain hypothesis and of its reversal, as regards the object of the hypothesis and its opposite. In a very short passage (137b1-4)), Parmenides states that his analysis will be dedicated to the one itself and that it will start from his philosophical thesis. But what’s the object of Pamenides’ hypothesis?

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