The « and » in Franz Rosenzweig’s work : connection, disjunction, contrariety. Introductory remarks
Introductory Remarks to the volume: The « and » in Franz Rosenzweig’s work : connection, disjunction, contrariety
Introductory Remarks to the volume: The « and » in Franz Rosenzweig’s work : connection, disjunction, contrariety
The current issue of Archivio di filosofia/Archives of Philosophy is devoted to the very peculiar logics and dialectics involved by a little – but decisive – word in FranzRosenzweig’s work : the word « and ». Despite its apparent lack of content, this conjunction is full of meaning and can even be described as a core term in Rosenzweig’s «NewThinking ». Indeed, it is exactly the « and » that allows – according to Rosenzweig – to avoid the monism which is typical of idealistic philosophy, from Ionia to Jena, from Thales to Hegel.
Opuscolo introduttivo al pensiero di Franz Rosenzweig redatto insieme a Francesco Valerio Tommasi in occasione del Convegno Internazionale della Franz Rosenzweig Gesellschaft, Centro Stampa di Ateneo “Sapienza”, Roma 2017
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