free flap

“Pull-through” Resection for Total and Subtotal Glossectomy Involving the Posterior Third of Tongue

The lower lip-splitting incision associated with different types of mandibulotomy, in order to obtain wide access to total or subtotal glossectomy, is described. In those cases, high rates of functional and aesthetic deficit and postoperative morbidity (more in cases of patients in which adjuvant radiotherapy has been performed) are described. We present our experience in the treatment of patients undergoing total or subtotal glossectomy and contemporary reconstruction with flaps, and without lip-splitting incision and mandibulotomy.

Head and neck osteosarcoma—the ongoing challenge about reconstruction and dental rehabilitation

Head and Neck osteosarcoma is an uncommon disease. Hitherto, the treatment is surgical resection and survival is influenced by the presence of free margins. However, the dimension of the resection may represent a hurdle for an adequate Quality of Life (QOL). Maxillofacial district is a narrow space where the function, esthetics and patient’s relational skills fit together like the gears of a clock.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma