free-surface flows

Numerical and experimental investigation of wave overtopping of barriers

We present a study of wave overtopping of barriers. The phenomenon of the wave overtopping over emerged structures is reproduced both numerically and experimentally. The numerical simulations are carried out by a numerical scheme for three-dimensional free-surface flows, which is based on the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations in a novel integral form on a time-dependent coordinate system. In the adopted numerical scheme, a novel wet-dry technique, based on the exact solution of the Riemann problem over the dry bed, is proposed.

3D numerical simulation of the interaction between waves and a T-head groin structure

The aim of coastal structures for the defense from erosion is to modify the hydrodynamic fields that would naturally occur with the wave motion, to produce zones of sedimentation of solid material, and to combat the recession of the coastline. T-head groin-shaped structures are among the most adopted in coastal engineering. The assessment of the effectiveness of such structures requires hydrodynamic study of the interaction between wave motion and the structure.

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