
A Working Plan for a Minimum Utopia

Basic Income by van Parijs and Vanderborght (2017) is the most advanced take on the debate on a universal and unconditional basic income: even though it does not encompass a comprehensive review of the literature, it is set to become the reference reading for anyone interested to learn about this debate. Some arguments implicitly rely on neoclassical assumptions at the micro level and at the macro level.

Il diritto come esperienza comunicativa. A partire dalla lettura di Giuseppe Terranova, Elogio dell'approssimazione

The paper aims to reflect on the juridical activity, related to the dimension of approximation, as interpreted by Giuseppe Terranova in Elogio dell'approssimazione, where the anthropological status of law is specifically taken up. Through the hermeneutical work, a jurist can bring out the approximation as an awareness of the real extent of the pursuit of justice, the priciple of equality and the sense of freedom.

Sul concetto di libertà in Marx

The concept of freedom has a central role in Marx’s thought. This essay aims at discussing the meaning this concept has for Marx by starting from a specific point of view: from the critique he addresses to the liberal concept of freedom, that according to him characterizes the Declarations of Rights of the French Revolution and similar strands in political thought (see in particular The Jewish Question).

The democratic value of law. Hans Kelsen on the theory and praxis of relativism

The Pure Theory of Law means the guarantee of a science, which is neutral with respect to subjective values and the elaboration of a scientific analysis of law. The principle that no values should prevail over others means primarily that all of them must be afforded the same opportunities to enter into comparison and competition with each other. Each value thus has a dignity that is equal to all others, because here value-freedom means relativism. Relativism, therefore, does not mean an indifference to values, but an alternative to the two extremes of dogmatism and scepticism.

Il «carattere aggressivo» della filosofia. Heidegger e il corso sull’Essenza della libertà umana

In the lecture of 1930 on The Essence of Human Freedom, Heidegger introduces the enigmatic notion of Angriff (challenge). This paper aims to clarify this idea on the background of the wide semantic field of the verb greifen (to grasp). As a result of such analysis, Angriff can be interpreted as a reflex of a new sense of the notion of «mineness» (Jemeinigkeit), which is not perfectly compatible with the conceptual framework of fundamental ontology. The «turn» (Kehre) appears to be already at work.

Science, self-control and human freedom. A naturalistic approach

The standard view about science and human freedom claims that science contributes to human autonomy or self-determination through the discovery of natural laws and processes. In other words, by providing knowledge and devices to solve practical problems and stimulate economic growth. A more likely hypothesis is that the invention of the scientific method in modern age has introduced a new way of thinking into human communities. In this way, some new psychological skills have been made available to an increasing number of people.

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