Fusion power plant

Design and analysis of a new configuration of secondary circuit of the EU-DEMO fusion power plant using GateCycle

Conceptual and design studies on the European DEMOnstration Fusion Power Plant (EU-DEMO) are carried out under the lead of the EUROfusion Consortium. The Primary Heat Transfer System (PHTS) transfers heat from the nuclear heat sources, i.e. the breeding blanket, divertor, and vacuum vessel, to the secondary circuit called Power Conversion System (PCS) which generates electric energy.

Safety assessment for EU DEMO – Achievements and open issues in view of a generic site safety report

The way to arrive at a licensing phase for a nuclear fusion installation is not straightforward mainly because of the lack of operating experience and of dedicated nuclear regulations. In fact, only small/medium experimental facilities exist with limited licensing processes and only one large experiment, ITER, has obtained a construction license. Therefore, the safety assessment and the preparation of the preliminary safety report is almost a first of a kind for DEMO.

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