fuzzy logic

Time series prediction using random weights fuzzy neural networks

In this paper, we introduce Random Weights Fuzzy Neural Networks as a suitable tool for solving prediction problems. The generalization capability of these randomized fuzzy neural networks is exploited in order to estimate accurately the sample be predicted from a multidimensional input. The latter is obtained by applying an embedding technique to the time series, which selects only the meaningful past samples to be used for prediction. We tested the proposed approach on real-world time series pertaining to the application context of power delivery.

Nanogrids: A smart way to integrate public transportation electric vehicles into smart grids

The need for efficient integration of an Electric Vehicles (EVs) public transportation system into Smart Grids (SGs), has sparked the idea to equip them with Renewable Energy Systems (RESs), in order to reduce their impact on the SG. As a consequence, an EV can be seen as a Nanogrid (NG) whose energy flows are optimized by an Energy Management System (EMS). In this work, an EMS for an electric boat is synthesized by a Fuzzy Inference System-Hierarchical Genetic Algorithm (FIS-HGA). The electric boat follows cyclic routes day by day.

“Do the Gods play dice?”. Sensible sequentialism and fuzzy logic in Plato’s Timaeus

In this paper I propose a reconstruction of the onto-cosmological perspective of
Plato’s Timaeus and suggest an interpretation of it in the light of some contemporary
approaches to ontology and logic, i.e. “ontological sequentialism” and “fuzzy logic”,
attempting to use the categories and language of present-day ontology and logic to examine
from a different point of view some aspects of the Timaeus onto-cosmology and
of its logical scaffolding.

A new learning approach for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems applied to time series prediction

In this paper, we present a study on the use of fuzzy neural networks and their application to the prediction of times series generated by complex processes of the real-world. The new learning strategy is suited to any fuzzy inference model, especially in the case of higher-order Sugeno-type fuzzy rules. The data considered herein are real-world cases concerning chaotic benchmarks as well as environmental time series.

Distributed on-line learning for random-weight fuzzy neural networks

The Random-Weight Fuzzy Neural Network is an inference system where the fuzzy rule parameters of antecedents (i.e., membership functions) are randomly generated and the ones of consequents are estimated using a Regularized Least Squares algorithm. In this regard, we propose an on-line learning algorithm under the hypothesis of training data distributed across a network of interconnected agents. In particular, we assume that each agent in the network receives a stream of data as a sequence of mini-batches.

A novel fuzzy approach for automatic Brunnstrom stage classification using surface electromyography

Clinical assessment plays a major role in post-stroke rehabilitation programs for evaluating impairment level and tracking recovery progress. Conventionally, this process is manually performed by clinicians using chart-based ordinal scales which can be both subjective and inefficient. In this paper, a novel approach based on fuzzy logic is proposed which automatically evaluates stroke patients’ impairment level using single-channel surface electromyography (sEMG) signals and generates objective classification results based on the widely used Brunnstrom stages of recovery.

A fuzzy-QFD approach for the enhancement of work equipment safety: a case study in the agriculture sector

The paper proposes a design for safety methodology based on the use of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method, focusing on the need to identify and analyse risks related to a working task in an effective manner, i.e. considering the specific work activities related to such a task. To reduce the drawbacks of subjectivity while augmenting the consistency of judgements, the QFD was augmented by both the Delphi method and the fuzzy logic approach. To verify such an approach, it was implemented through a case study in the agricultural sector.

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