Gait recognition

Benefits of Gaussian Convolution in Gait Recognition

The first and still popular approach to gait recognition applies computer vision techniques to appearance-based features of walking patterns. More recently, wearable sensors have become attractive. The accelerometer is the most used one, being embedded in widespread mobile devices. Related techniques do not suffer for problems like occlusion and point of view, but for intra-subject variations caused by walking speed, ground type, shoes, etc.

Feature-based analysis of gait signals for biometric recognition automatic extraction and Selection of features from accelerometer signals

Gait recognition has been traditionally tackled by computer vision techniques. As a matter of fact, this is a still very active research field. More recently, the spreading use of smart mobile devices with embedded sensors has also spurred the interest of the research community for alternative methods based on the gait dynamics captured by those sensors. In particular, signals from the accelerometer seem to be the most suited for recognizing the identity of the subject carrying the mobile device. Different approaches have been investigated to achieve a sufficient recognition ability.

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