gas-enhanced circulation

Investigation on RELAP5-3D© capability to predict thermal stratification in liquid metal pool-type system and comparison with experimental data

A numerical activity, aimed to evaluate the capability of RELAP5-3D© to reproduce the main thermal-hydraulic phenomena in an HLM pool-type facility, in different operative conditions, is presented. For this purpose, the experimental campaign performed in CIRCE-ICE test facility has been selected for the code assessment.

Uncertainty quantification method for RELAP5-3D© using RAVEN and application on NACIE experiments

The best estimate plus uncertainty (BEPU) method plays a key role in the development of the innovative Generation IV nuclear reactors, for the improvement of knowledge and the good evaluation of the safety margins for new phenomena. The aim of this paper is to validate an uncertainty quantification (UQ) approach using RAVEN code. RAVEN, developed at the Idaho National Laboratory, is a multipurpose probabilistic and uncertainty quantification framework, capable to communicate with any system code, implemented with an integrated validation methodology involving several different metrics.

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