gas time projection chamber

A density-based clustering algorithm for the CYGNO data analysis

Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) working in combination with Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) produce a very sensitive detector capable of observing low energy events. This is achieved by capturing photons generated during the GEM electron multiplication process by means of a high-resolution camera. The CYGNO experiment has recently developed a TPC Triple GEM detector coupled to a low noise and high spatial resolution CMOS sensor. For the image analysis, an algorithm based on an adapted version of the well-known DBSCAN was implemented, called iDBSCAN.

First evidence of luminescence in a He/CF4 gas mixture induced by non-ionizing electrons

Optical readout of Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) provides very interesting perfor- mance and has been proposed for different applications in particle physics. In particular, thanks to its good efficiency in the keV energy range, it is being developed for low-energy and rare event studies, such as Dark Matter searches. So far, the optical approach has only exploited the light produced during the avalanche processes in GEM channels.

Performance of prototype of optically readout TPC with a 55Fe source

The performances of an optical readout of Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) with multiple Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) amplification stages are presented. The detector is characterized by using 55Fe photons converting inside a 7 litre sensitive volume detector in different electric field configurations. This prototype is developed as part of the R&D for the CYGNO project for an application to direct Dark Matter search by detection of tracks of nuclear recoils in the gas within the keV energy range.

CYGNO: a gaseous TPC with optical readout for dark matter directional search

The CYGNO project has the goal to use a gaseous TPC with optical readout to detect dark matter and solar neutrinos with low energy threshold and directionality. The CYGNO demonstrator will consist of 1 m3 volume filled with He:CF4 gas mixture at atmospheric pressure. Optical readout with high granularity CMOS sensors, combined with fast light detectors, will provide a detailed reconstruction of the event topology. This will allow to discriminate the nuclear recoil signal from the background, mainly represented by low energy electron recoils induced by radioactivity.

Directional dark matter searches with the CYGNO project

The goal of the CYGNO project is to deploy at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) an high resolution Time Projection Chamber (TPC) with Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) amplification and optical 3D readout of an Helium/Fluorine based gas mixture for directional Dark Matter (DM) searches at low 1-10 GeV WIMP masses. The determination of the incoming direction of WIMP particles can in fact offer not only additional handles for discrimination of the annoying backgrounds, but especially an unique key for a positive, unambiguous identification of a DM signal.

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