gender studies

Introduction to the thematic Session on "Text Analytics in Gender Studies"

In recent years, in all fields of knowledge, a data-driven approach has spread according to the new scenario defined by the Big Data era. The so-called data deluge has started a season where an impressive amount of data constitutes a valuable research material for scholars. In this new context, the data-driven approach enables academics and scientists to examine and organize data with the goal of increasing knowledge in many research areas. The deluge of data today allows us to plan new analyses on a variety of unstructured data that are produced in major part by web navigation.

Sexual prejudice in sport scale: a new measure

This study describes the process of developing and validating the Sexual Prejudice in Sport Scale (SPSS), which is a multidimensional instrument developed to assess attitudes toward lesbians and gay men (LG) in sports. The authors conducted two studies: first, to establish the factor structure of the SPSS on 297 heterosexual athletes; and, second, to test the reliability and validity of the resulting 19-item scale on a sample of 311 heterosexual and 160 LG athletes.

Coming out to siblings and internalized sexual stigma. The moderating role of gender in a sample of italian participants

Previous research has shown that the act of disclosing sexual orientation, known as coming out (CO), yields various benefits for gay and lesbian (GL) persons. Moreover, some researchers have found that CO is negatively related to internalized sexual stigma (ISS). However, most research has focused on CO to parents and a few studies have examined CO to siblings. The aim of this research is to deepen the understanding of the role of CO to siblings in protecting GL persons' wellbeing.

Attitudes and beliefs of italian educators and teachers regarding children raised by same-sex parents

Teachers and educators represent meaningful relationships for children, and their attitudes can have a major influence on a child’s development. This research examined the role of background characteristics, contact experiences, and sexual prejudice in determining beliefs about children’s adjustment in same-sex parent families. The sample consisted of 323 Italian teachers and educators working in nursery schools, kindergartens, and primary schools.

The trials of women leaders in the workforce. How a need for cognitive closure can influence acceptance of harmful gender stereotypes

Women leaders in the workforce are adversely affected by two sets of stereotypes: women are warm and communal but leaders are assertive and competent. This mismatch of stereotypes can lead to negative attitudes toward women leaders, however, not all individuals will be equally sensitive to these stereotypes. Men and women characterized by a need for cognitive closure (the desire for stable and certain knowledge) should be particularly sensitive to these stereotypes because they can be stable knowledge sources.

Women entrepreneurship in the light of relational capital: general insights

Starting from the assumption that women entrepreneurs are relevant developers of the corporate business in small and microenterprises, the main purpose of this chapter is to propose a literature analysis discovering how relational capital influences to the first stage of women enterprises. Thus, a literature searches on Scopus has been conducted to expand the international literature on the connection between gender studies and relational capital as significant intangible assets. In this way, evidence proposed are directed to understand the debate on gender and relational capital.

Investigating the female role in the wine sector. Business administration perspective on a Decade of Research (2010–2019)

Wine is one of the most traditional products and bears a high symbolic value, and for some countries of the world, it is the bearer of the knowledge of the community, which contains tangible and intangible assets. It also generates income, employment, economic and social value.
Starting from the results of a previous study by the authors (Paoloni et al., Knowl Ecosyst Growth 1132–1156, 2019), this work aims to fill the gaps that have emerged in the literature on the subject of female entrepreneurship in the wine business scenario.

Amorite ladies at the Neo-Assyrian court. Building up an image, deconstructing an image, transmitting an image

The physical and ideological construction of the Assyrian empire was undoubtedly an unprecedented achievement in Mesopotamian history, a complex and multi-faceted operation, including a wide and capillary administrative organization. In this contribution an aspect of the new image of the empire is dealt with, in which foreign women of the Assyrian court played a role. Their presence and their visibility should be considered in terms of ethnicity.


Regine, principesse e nobildonne non sono solo quelle che popolano i racconti fantastici. Sono anche donne, realmente esistite, che hanno in vario modo partecipato alla storia, in alcuni casi hanno contribuito a farla ed eccezionalmente la hanno anche scritta. Sono donne che furono oggetto di scrittura documentaria e letteraria e, in non pochi casi, furono esse stesse letterate.

Le principesse di Carlo Magno e i gioielli di Venanzio Fortunato (KMLP, vv. 182-267)

Nel saggio è analizzata la sezione di versi del poemetto Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa dedicata a descrivere il corteo delle dame di Carlo Magno presenti a una battuta di caccia (vv. 182-267): la quinta e ultima moglie di Carlo (Liutgarda) e sei delle sue figlie (Rotrude, Berta, Gisla, Rodaide, Teoderada e Iltrude). Peter Godman aveva descritto questi versi come «la più elaborata celebrazione delle donne della casata carolingia che sia stata scritta da un autore loro contemporaneo» e ne aveva indicato il modello nel De virginitate di Venanzio Fortunato, senza segnalarne le riprese precise.

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