
PeachVar-DB: a curated collection of genetic variations for the interactive analysis of Peach Genome Data

Applying next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies to species of agricultural interest has the potential to accelerate the understanding and exploration of genetic resources. The storage, availability and maintenance of huge quantities of NGS-generated data remains a major challenge. The PeachVar-DB portal, available at, is an open-source catalog of genetic variants present in peach (Prunus persica L.

Structural analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genome and predictions of the human interactome

Specific elements of viral genomes regulate interactions within host cells. Here, we calculated the secondary structure content of >2000 coronaviruses and computed >100 000 human protein interactions with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The genomic regions display different degrees of conservation. SARS-CoV-2 domain encompassing nucleotides 22 500-23 000 is conserved both at the sequence and structural level. The regions upstream and downstream, however, vary significantly.

Inter-individual genomic heterogeneity within European population isolates

A number of studies carried out since the early ‘70s has investigated the effects of isolation on genetic variation within and among human populations in diverse geographical contexts. However, no extensive analysis has been carried out on the heterogeneity among genomes within isolated populations. This issue is worth exploring since events of recent admixture and/or subdivision could potentially disrupt the genetic homogeneity which is to be expected when isolation is prolonged and constant over time.

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