
Molecular genotyping of Echinococcus granulosus in the North of Iraq

Cystic echinococcosis/hydatidosis is an important cosmopolitan zoonotic disease that causes large economic losses and human suffering. The larval stages of Echinococcus granulosus are the etiological agents of cystic echinococcosis that showed different genotypes in different regions in the world. The present study was aimed at the detection of E. granulosus strains circulating in two cities from north of Iraq (Kirkuk and Sulaimania).

Molecular genetics of phenylketonuria and tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency in Jordan

Background: Information regarding the prevalence of PKU in the Middle East
in comparison to other world regions is scarce, which might be explained by
difficulties in the implementation of national newborn screening programs.
Objective: This study seeks for the first time to genotype and biochemically
characterize patients diagnosed with hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) at the
Pediatric Metabolic Genetics Clinic at the King Hussein Medical Center,
Amman, Jordan.
Methods: A total of 33 patients with HPA and 55 family members were investigated

Droplet digital PCR

  • L’apparecchiatura risulta attualmente l’unica in grado di processare un’elevata quantità di campioni, paragonabile a quella di una tradizionale realtime PCR. Questo sistema è l’unico che permette di lavorare in formato piastra da 96 pozzetti. La preparazione della piastra viene inoltre effettuata con modalità comparabili a quelle di un real-time PCR, rendendo immediata la transizione tra queste tecnologie.

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