
La Divina Sapienza e la geometria svelata /Divina Sapienza and the Geometry Unveiled

Il contributo si occupa della Chiesa della Divina Sapienza realizzata, per volere di Pio XII, dall’architetto Marcello Piacentini nel 1948 nell’ambito dei lavori di costruzione della Nuova Città Universitaria a Roma. L’ analisi sincronica e diacronica realizzata a partire dai dati di rilievo e dai modelli 2D e 3D da essi sviluppati, ha l’obiettivo di sondare gli aspetti geometrici generativi dell’impianto planimetrico. L’intento è stato quello di individuare l’esatta geometria che sottende alla pianta e di riproporre la stessa rispetto agli alzati.

Design of a multiphase coreless axial flux permanent magnet machine for unmanned aerial vehicle propulsion

This work investigates the design of a multiphase coreless axial flux permanent magnet machine with concentrated windings, for the propulsion of an unmanned aerial vehicle. Such a system requires very high power and torque densities, which tend to be in contrast with other important requirements such as high efficiency and resilience. In order to simplify the design of the machine, an original method for the selection of the poles to coils ratio is proposed.

Coherence analysis of road safe speed and driving behaviour from floating car data

In the Intelligent Transportation Systems, integration of different components of the classical driver-vehicleinfrastructure system is supported by advances in technology and communications. This study presents a general road safety analysis framework that exploits different types of data on traffic, geometry, and accidents to develop a Road Safety Analysis Center and an on-board Road Safety Driver Advisory. The Road Safety Analysis Center considers different sources of data: accident inventories, road geometry, and floating car data, which reveal drivers' behavior.

A statistical analytical model for hydrophilic electropore characterization. A comparison study

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have proved to be a useful tool for unveiling many aspects of pore formation in lipid membranes under the influence of external electric fields. In order to compare the size-related properties of pores in bilayers of various compositions, generated and maintained under different physical and chemical conditions, reference metrics are needed for characterizing pore geometry and its evolution over time.

A wideband and low side lobe series fed patch array at 5.8 GHz for radar applications

In this paper a novel series feed patch array working in the 5.8 GHz ISM band for healthcare radar monitoring applications has been proposed. The single patch has been opportunely shaped to solve two critical problems of this antenna topology: reduced bandwidth and high Side Lobe Level (SLL). The bandwidth enhancement has been obtained with a dual band structure, resulting from the superposition of two tapered patches with different lengths.

Square and Triangular Matrices in Magnaghi-Terzaghi's Architectures

The encounter, in the past editions of Aplimat Conference, with Paola Magnaghi Delfino, daughter of Augusto Magnaghi who, together with his friend and fellow student Mario, founded the Studio Magnaghi-Terzaghi, was an opportunity to start a systematic research on the drawings and projects carried out by these two architects, collaborators of Pietro Lingeri and Giuseppe Terragni, that were two of the most important exponents of Modern Architecture in Milan. The modern architecture created by the two architects is strongly mathematical in its conception.

Thinking Architecture in Four Dimensions

In mathematics, it is quite easy to define four dimensional geometry. With their equations, in fact, mathematicians work without any difficulty with any “n” dimension. From this point of view, it is also quite easy to describe what shape in our 3d word a hypercube, for example, can assume, taking advantage of projections of the geometric figure in the lower dimension. Architects are accustomed to draw the space they imagine through orthogonal projections and therefore to see the 3d space through its 2d projection in plan and section.

The 8 and the Taranta. An Urban project “Ad Quadratum” for Melpignano (LE)

The project for a new Plaza for the Taranta Festival in Melpignano (LE), presented at APLIMAT conference 2019, is developed in the framework of the activities of the research about the Measure and the Project, which has a strong mathematical issue because it takes into a close relationship geometry, number, music and shape. The related design method gives origin to a proposal to reshape the area in which the concert of folk music named Taranta takes place in Melpignano, a small town in the South of Italy.

The shape of continuity . A research method

The study of mathematical objects with the philosophical aspiration to true, beauty and right, are the center of the research that from 2016, we are carrying on as the appliance of a method for the project of renewal of buildings and historical sites, starting from the original unit of measurement. The research produced survey-and-design experiments of different nature. The first in Castri di Lecce, a small town in Puglia, culminated with an exhibition and published in a book that extensively illustrates the hypotheses of intervention on this ancient ducal palace.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma