
President and Assemblies. 25 years after Shugart and Carey’s book

Why are some institutions capable of enhancing democracy, while others struggle under pressure? Shugart and Carey wrote their seminal book Presidents and Assemblies (1992) at a crucial time in modern history in an effort to answer these fundamental questions. Because of bold claims and huge theoretical and conceptual contributions, their timely publication became the starting point for a new way to think about institutional specifications and types of political systems.

Pre-modern understandings of rule-making

Since his entering into office a year ago, Italy’s Minister of Interior Matteo Salvini has proved to be the true leader of the governmental coalition between the Five Star Movement and the Lega, run by Salvini himself. His populist approach looks far closer to that of Orbán than to the confused ideology of the Five Star Movement. Contrary to the latter, Salvini always gives the impression of knowing exactly what he wants.

Brevi note sulle istituzioni della Repubblica

How were the institutions of the Italian republic conceived and built? In what ways and with
what time scale have they been realized? And what has been their performance for the functioning
of the democratic system? the answer to these questions is developed into four points: the
Parliament, the Government, the administrative apparatus, the system of political parties. the essay
analyses the evolution of these four realities during the republican period, recording their “virtues”
and “weaknesses”.

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