government regulation

CoViD-19 and psychiatry: can mental illness justify further exceptions to the obligation to stay at home?

To face the CoViD-19 pandemic, the italian government has approved regulations which state, with no exceptions, that it is considered offence for people tested positive to the virus to leave their house, whereas other people are allowed to leave their house for proven needs such as work, health or emergencies.

From rare to neglected diseases: A sustainable and inclusive healthcare perspective for reframing the orphan drugs issue

This work is about how healthcare issues can be reframed from a sustainable and inclusive development perspective. Focusing on the case of orphan drugs and rare diseases, first, a country-based review of the main regulatory approaches to orphan drugs is conducted; then, the main contributions of the literature are reviewed to identify dominant views and the way the problem

ICNIRP statement on diagnostic devices using non-ionizing radiation: Existing regulations and potential health risks

Use of non-ionizing radiation (NIR) for diagnostic purposes allows non-invasive assessment of the structure and function of the human body and is widely employed in medical care. ICNIRP has published previous statements about the protection of patients during medical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but diagnostic methods using other forms of NIR have not been considered.

Commentary: EPA's proposed expansion of dose-response analysis is a positive step towards improving its ecological risk assessment

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has recently proposed changes to strengthen the transparency of its pivotal regulatory science policy and procedures. In this context, the US EPA aims to enhance the transparency of dose-response data and models, proposing to consider for the first time non-linear biphasic dose-response models.

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