
Clinical indications, image acquisition and data interpretation for white blood cells and anti-granulocyte monoclonal antibody scintigraphy: an EANM procedural guideline

Introduction: Radiolabelled autologous white blood cells (WBC) scintigraphy is being standardized all over the world to ensure high quality, specificity and reproducibility. Similarly, in many European countries radiolabelled anti-granulocyte antibodies (anti-G-mAb) are used instead of WBC with high diagnostic accuracy. The EANM Inflammation & Infection Committee is deeply involved in this process of standardization as a primary goal of the group.

Labelling and clinical performance of human leukocytes labelled with 99m Tc-HMPAO using leukokit® with gelofusine versus leukokit® with HES as sedimentation agent

The scintigraphy with radiolabelled autologous leukocytes (WBCs) is considered the gold-standard technique for imaging infections. Leukokit (R) is a commercially available, disposable, sterile kit for labelling WBCs ex vivo. In this kit, WBCs isolation from red blood cells (RBCs) was performed using poly(O-2-hydroxyethyl)starch (HES) as the RBCs sedimentation agent. Due to its poor availability, HES has been recently replaced by Gelofusine as the RBC sedimentation agent.

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