graphene oxide



A partire dall’ossido di grafene (GO) vengono sintetizzati suoi derivati variabilmente “ridotti” con metodi chimici, termici ed elettrochimici. Vengono anche preparati materiali ibridi nanostrutturati attraverso reazioni di funzionalizzazione del GO con molecole con funzionalità specifiche (redox, chelanti, sensibilizzanti). Questi materiali vengono investigati mediante spettroscopia di fotoemissione (XPS), UV-vis, Raman, FTIR, elettrochimica, microscopia e calcoli teorici. Le possibili applicazioni sono in ambito biomedico, energetico, ambientale.

Biocompatible N-acetyl cysteine reduces graphene oxide and persists at the surface as a green radical scavenger

We demonstrate that N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) reduces graphene oxide (GO) at room temperature. This represents a new green method to produce reduced GO (rGO). NAC adheres to the rGO surface as demonstrated by several spectroscopy techniques and avoids GO-mediated oxidation of glutathione. This method offers new opportunities for the production of green biocompatible rGO and NAC-based therapies. © 2019 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

Insights from experiment and theory into the electrochemical reduction mechanism of graphene oxide

A combined experimental and theoretical investigation approach has been applied to the electrochemical reduction of graphene oxide (GO) in order to unravel the corresponding reaction mechanism, so far scarcely addressed in the literature. Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) layers were prepared via electrochemical reduction of GO drop-casted onto hydrogenated Si(111) wafers in aqueous medium. A cyclic potential variation programme was applied at different scan rates, followed by an ex-situ characterization of the obtained rGO deposits by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).

Integration of graphene onto silicon through electrochemical reduction of graphene oxide layers in non-aqueous medium

Wafer-scale integration of reduced graphene oxide with H-terminated Si(1 1 1) surfaces has been accomplished by electrochemical reduction of a thin film of graphene oxide deposited onto Si by drop casting. Two reduction methods have been assayed and carried out in an acetonitrile solution. The initial deposit was subjected either to potential cycling in a 0.1 M TBAPF 6 /CH 3 CN solution at scan rates values of 20 mV s −1 and 50 mV s −1 , or to a potentiostatic polarization at E λ,c = −3 V for 450 s.

Graphene oxide oxygen content affects physical and biological properties of scaffolds based on chitosan/graphene oxide conjugates

Tissue engineering is a highly interdisciplinary field of medicine aiming at regenerating damaged tissues by combining cells with porous scaffolds materials. Scaffolds are templates for tissue regeneration and should ensure suitable cell adhesion and mechanical stability throughout the application period. Chitosan (CS) is a biocompatible polymer highly investigated for scaffold preparation but suffers from poor mechanical strength.

Carbon nanostructure morphology templates nanocomposites for phosphoproteomics

Protein and peptide phosphorylation regulate numerous pathological processes, however, their characterization is challenging due to their low abundance and transient nature. Therefore, nanomaterials are being developed to address this demanding task. In particular, carbon nanostructures are attracting interest as scaffolds for functional nanocomposites, yet only isolated studies exist on the topic, and little is known on the effect of nanocarbon morphology on templating nanocomposites.

Surface disinfections: present and future

The propagation of antibiotic resistance increases the chances of major infections for patients during hospitalization and the spread of health related diseases. Therefore finding new and effective solutions to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms is critical, in order to protect hospital environment, such as the surfaces of biomedical devices. Modern nanotechnology has proven to be an effective countermeasure to tackle the threat of infections.

Metal free graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets and pristine-single wall carbon nanotubes (p-SWCNTs) biocompatibility investigation: a comparative study in different human cell lines

The in vitro biocompatibility of Graphene Oxide (GO) nanosheets, which were obtained by the electrochemical exfoliation of graphite electrodes in an electrolytic bath containing salts, was compared with the pristine Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes (p-SWCNTs) under the same experimental conditions in different human cell lines. The cells were treated with different concentrations of GO and SWCNTs for up to 48 h.

Personalized Graphene Oxide-Protein Corona in the Human Plasma of Pancreatic Cancer Patients

The protein corona (PC) that forms around nanomaterials upon exposure to human biofluids (e.g., serum, plasma, cerebral spinal fluid etc.) is personalized, i.e., it depends on alterations of the human proteome as those occurring in several cancer types. This may relevant for early cancer detection when changes in concentration of typical biomarkers are often too low to be detected by blood tests.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma