green economy

Il management ambientale. Teorie, metodi e strumenti in una prospettiva sostenibile

Il presente testo si propone di studiare i problemi ambientali nel contesto delle principali teorie economiche micro e macro e del management - che nel complesso costituiscono il corpus teorico fondamentale dell’economia ambientale -, tenendo altresì in considerazione quelle fonti normative che trovano nella tutela dell’ambiente la loro principale ragion d’essere. Le domande fondamentali alla quale cerca di rispondere questo libro sono: Quanto inquinamento siamo disposti ad accettare? Quando è che l’inquinamento diventa troppo? Stiamo passando dal «green washing» all’ «awareness washing»?

Can environmental agreements represent an opportunity for green jobs? Evidence from two Italian experiences

Until today, following the rise of the so-called “green economy” paradigm, research into green jobs has mainly focused on the relationship between the rise of the green economy and the effects on creation of new opportunities of green employment. This study aims to link new green jobs and new green business models with industrial reconversion through the experiences of environmental rehabilitation in two Italian industrial areas characterized by the implementation of environmental agreements. The two cases

The LCA methodology for ceramic tiles production by addition of MSWI BA

Integrated waste management and sustainable use of natural resources are the basis of the
Green Economy. In this context, the management of the Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom
Ashes (MSWI BA) is one of the current issues worldwide. This paper presents an application of the
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) procedure to the industrial production of ceramic tiles using bottom
ashes in the mixture together with feldspathic sands and clays. The comparison between ashes and

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