Intestinal Inflammation Alters the Expression of Hepatic Bile Acid Receptors Causing Liver Impairment

The gut-liver axis has been recently investigated in depth in relation to intestinal and hepatic diseases. Key actors are bile acid (BA) receptors, as farnesoid-X-receptor (FXR), pregnane-X-receptor (PXR) and G-protein-coupled-receptor (TGR5), that control a broad range of metabolic processes as well as inflammation and fibrosis.The present study aims to investigate the impact of intestinal inflammation on liver health with a focus on FXR, PXR and TGR5 expression. The strategy to improve liver health by reducing gut inflammation is also considered.

Sa1854 - Oral Bacteriotherapy Improves Gut Inflammation and Reduces Fecal Infectivity of HIV Subjects

INTRODUCTION The gastrointestinal tract is a major site of HIV localization and even
though cART (combined AntiRetroviral Therapy) leads to suppression of HIV replication
the gastrointestinal pathology is still persistent. In these patients increased levels of inflammation
and decreased levels of mucosal repair and regeneration are observed. Consequently
novel directions for dietary and therapeutic interventions that restore the immunological
and epithelial integrity of the mucosal barrier are needed. Since HIV infected patients host

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