hand recognition

A hand-based biometric system in visible light for mobile environments

The analysis of the shape and geometry of the human hand has long represented an at- tractive field of research to address the needs of digital image forensics. Over recent years, it has also turned out to be effective in biometrics, where several innovative research lines are pursued. Given the widespread diffusion of mobile and portable devices, the possibil- ity of checking the owner identity and controlling the access to the device by the hand image looks particularly attractive and less intrusive than other biometric traits.

MOHAB: mobile hand-based biometric recognition

This paper presents a novel approach to hand-based biometrics that uses mobile devices. Hand-based recognition has been explored via different research lines and taking into consideration different traits. On the other hand, few studies tackle its feasibility on mobile devices. Given their diffusion and availability, their use in this context appears particularly attractive. The work presented in this study aims at investigating at an high level the limitations of using hand geometry to enable biometric recognition on mobile.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma