heavy liquid metal

Post-test simulation of a PLOFA transient test in the CIRCE-HERO facility

CIRCE is a lead–bismuth eutectic alloy (LBE) pool facility aimed to simulate the primary system of a heavy liquid metal (HLM) cooled pool-type fast reactor. The experimental facility was implemented with a new test section, called HERO (Heavy liquid mEtal pRessurized water cOoled tubes), which consists of a steam generator composed of seven double-wall bayonet tubes (DWBT) with an active length of six meters. The experimental campaign aims to investigate HERO behavior, which is representative of the tubes that will compose ALFRED SG.

MYRRHA primary heat exchanger experimental simulations on CIRCE-HERO

In the frame of the MYRRHA ADS technological development, an intense research effort has been undertaken by European Commission, in particular for the Heavy Liquid Metal technology assessment. In this scenario, EURATOM HORIZON2020 funded the SESAME & MYRTE projects, coordinating a series of thermal hydraulics experiments and simulations for the safety assessment of liquid metal fast reactors.

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