High voltage

Thermal performance optimization of the underground power cable system by using a modified Jaya algorithm

This paper presents a modified Jaya algorithm for optimizing the material costs and electric-thermal performance of an Underground Power Cable System (UPCS). A High Voltage (HV) underground cable line with three 400 kV AC cables arranged in flat formation in an exemplary case study is considered. When buried underground, three XLPE high voltage cables are situated in thermal backfill layer for ensuring the optimal thermal performance of the cable system. The study discusses the effect of thermal conductivities of soil and cable backfill material on the UPCS total investment costs.

A computational design of a versatile microchamber for in vitro nanosecond pulsed electric fields experiments

The emergence of nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) for intracellular manipulation experiments requires the use of specific miniaturized applicators. We propose the design of a versatile nsPEFs applicator, based on microwave propagating systems, suitable for in vitro exposure to undistorted 1-3 ns pulses in single and multi-cell experiments. Further features of the proposed devices are: high efficiency, microfluidic integration, real time monitoring of the biological sample and of the pulse propagation.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma