historical cartography

UNUS NON SUFFICIT ORBIS. Of Missionary Cartographers, Cosmographers and the Making of Geographies ) Sixteenth-Twentieth Centuries). Virtual Journeys across Cosmological Spaces and Linguistic Places.

UNUS NON SUFFICIT ORBIS. Of Missionary Cartographers, Cosmographers and the Making of Geographies ) Sixteenth-Twentieth Centuries). Virtual Journeys across Cosmological Spaces and Linguistic Places.

Unus non sufficit orbis  (One World does not suffice) is a multilingual digital library formed by maps and books concerning Catholic missionary cartography. In this project, cartography is intended in a broad sense to mean not only the practice of drawing maps but also the writing about real, imaginary and spiritual places.

Perception and Communication of Urban Space: Observations on Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Representations of Rome

The cartographic representation of Rome is as varied as its history;
however there are several qualitatively significant discontinuities within an
evolutionary process we can consider as linear. The research presented here
focuses on a specific selection of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century maps of the
city of Rome as a way to discuss not only one of these glaring discontinuities,
but also several aspects linked to the perception and communication of the
image of the city in the period preceding the more meticulous representations

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma