
A homeland for ‘tribal’ subjects. Revisiting British colonial experimentations in the Kolhan Government Estate

The interplay between local and imperial perceptions was a driving force behind the gradual evolution of the Indian empire. An important contribution to the full understanding of this process may come from enquiries into the nature of the British administrative policies, along with their inspiring ideologies and notions, in connection with the tribal community of the Hos of Singhbhum, a district in the erstwhile Chotanagpur Division of Bengal Presidency.The changing notions of rule and subjecthood naturally had a distinct impact upon the adivasi people.

Changes in society and religion of the Ho of Singhbhum under British colonial rule, 1907–1932

In the course of colonial rule, the Ho encountered crucial changes in various aspects of their lives: their former role in the power system, communal solidarity, control over territory and resources, and even, in some cases, their belief system. External influences thus naturally impacted Ho society and economy as well as their culture and religion.

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