human rights

The inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor market: comparative analysis between brazilian and chinese law

Based on the premise that work is a fundamental right, which is necessary forthe realization of human dignity, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, public policies for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor market are analyzed, from a comparative counterpoint between Brazil and China

CoViD-19 and psychiatry: can mental illness justify further exceptions to the obligation to stay at home?

To face the CoViD-19 pandemic, the italian government has approved regulations which state, with no exceptions, that it is considered offence for people tested positive to the virus to leave their house, whereas other people are allowed to leave their house for proven needs such as work, health or emergencies.

Family Reunification in International Law: The Current United Nations Legal Framework and the Practice of Human Rights Bodies

Il saggio contiene un'analisi critica dell'attuale quadro normativo delle Nazioni Unite riguardante il ricongiungimento familiare. Nel dettaglio, sono stati esaminati i principali atti internazionali, a carattere generale, relativi alla tutela dei diritti umani, nonché quelli interamente dedicati alla protezione dei rifugiati e dei migranti, senza trascurare la Convenzione di New York sui diritti del fanciullo del 1989. Lo studio è stato condotto alla luce della prassi dei cd.

Family Reunification in the United Nations Human Rights Law

Il contributo è dedicato allo studio del ricongiungimento familiare dei rifugiati e dei migranti attraverso l'analisi della normativa universale in materia di diritti umani (hard law e soft law), senza trascurare la significativa prassi sviluppatasi al riguardo in seno ad alcuni dei principali organismi onusiani preposti alla promozione e controllo sul rispetto dei diritti umani.

Spazi umanitari. Ripensare la geografia della politica nell’epoca globale,

One of the most characterizing aspects of the “new” political and legal landscape born from
the so called “1989 divide” is the emergence of a form of international political morality based
on universal principles that challenge the presumed moral supremacy of territorial
boundaries and which favour instead the welfare of humanity generally. Moving from recent
theory and practice of “humanitarian interventionism”, this essay aims at discussing some of
the main conceptions of “global humanitarian space” elaborated in contemporary debate on

New Legal Developments in the Inter-American System of Human Rights: Some Observations on the Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons

The General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) on 15 June 2015 has adopted the Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons. This Treaty, entered into force on January 2017, is the first legally binding document entirely devoted to the protection of the rights of older persons. The study contains a critical analysis of such Convention, in particular, in relation to the rights protected and the compliance system.

Immigrant Women and housing issues: a symbolic magnifying glass for social and cultural changes in Italian civil movements

In recent decades, social movements have expanded their range of action, adopting a more global perspective. Although many studies have been made of varied national and transnational movements, it still remains a little-studied field that involves the participation of immigrants, especially women, in social movements in Italy. These movements involve various problem areas. The thematic focus of our research is the housing, at the national level, and our chosen case study regards the situation as it presents itself in Rome.

Migratory and Intercultural Processes form a Gender Perspective: the Changing Roles of Migrant Women in the Countries of Origin and Destination, themed section

This editorial project aims to explore now-consolidated areas of multidisciplinary research like migration, the meeting of diverse cultures and religions and that of the networks of communities and associations, and to analyze them from a perspective of gender. It was chosen with the hope of adding new evidence to the extensive literature already in existence in regard to each of these issues, and proposes to integrate them through an analysis of those points of intersection whose protagonists are women.

The European Union and sustainable development. A Study on Unilateral Trade Measures

The European Union has the ambition to be one of the largest markets and one of the most influential trade actors in the globalized economy, but also the mission to spread the values and principles at the foundations of the European integration process: democracy, the rule of law, respect and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, environmental protection and sustainable development. This twofold mission is at the origin of the measures which are the object of this book.

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