hybrid excitation

Analytical Sizing of Radial Flux Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machines

This paper presents a sizing equation system for radial flux (RF) hybrid excitation synchronous machines (HESMs) with coaxial rotors. The system of sizing equations is derived integrating existing literature, mechanical, magnetic, thermal and control strategy considerations and coupled to a computationally-efficient finite element analysis (FEA) to assist the design of wide constant power speed range (CPSR) HESMs.

Design and Characterization of a Radial Flux Wound Field and Permanent Magnet Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machine

This paper presents the design and experimental characterization of a radial flux (RF) hybrid excitation synchronous machine (HESM) topologically realized with two coaxial rotor sections, a salient pole wound field (WF) section and an interior permanent magnet section (PM). The machine design choices are analyzed with FEA simulations to predict the behavior at no-load and at nominal load. A no-load 10:1 voltage regulation and CPSR is experimentally characterized along with a partial load dynamometer mapping.

Closed-Loop, Flux-Weakening Control of Hybrid-Excitation Synchronous Machine Drives

This paper presents a closed-loop flux-weakening controller for hybrid-excitation synchronous machine drives based on separate regulation of amplitude and phase angle of the armature voltage. Operating point analysis is carried out to investigate the dynamic properties of the drive and to give guidelines in the tuning of the controller. Finally, experimental tests validating the theoretical derivations are performed on a prototype hybrid-excitation drive.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma