
Waters from the Djiboutian Afar. A review of strontium isotopic composition and a comparison with Ethiopian waters and Red Sea brines

Drinking water is scarce in Djibouti because of the hot desert climate. Moreover, seawater intrusion or fossil saltwater contamination of the limited number of freshwater aquifers due to groundwater overexploitation affect those who live close to the coastline (~ 80% of the population). Despite this, the geothermal potential of the country's plentiful hot springs could resolve the increasing electricity demand. Strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) are routinely used to determine sources and mixing relationships in geochemical studies.

Assessment of groundwater quality in the buffer zone of Limpopo National Park, Gaza Province, Southern Mozambique

Many areas in the Southern African Development Community are data-poor and poorly accessible. Water quality assessment in these areas therefore has to rely on the limited available data, coupled with restricted field sampling. This paper documents the first evaluation of the main geochemical processes and impact of anthropogenic and natural sources of contamination on the groundwater quality of the aquifer system used for domestic and agricultural purposes in Limpopo National Park, Gaza Province, Southern Mozambique.

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