
Sheep in wolf’s clothing: pedunculated colonic lipoma with overlying hyperplastic and ulcerated epithelium

Introduction: Lipomas are the most common non-epithelial benign tumors of the gastrointestinal tract with a reported incidence in the colon of 0.2–4.4%. These lesions are usually asymptomatic with a typical endoscopic finding of a smooth, slightly yellow, circular, polyp that is sessile in most cases, covered with normal colonic mucosa. Areas Covered: There are rare reported cases of alterations of the overlying mucosa such as hyperplasia, atrophy, adenomatous changes, and necrosis.

Raman spectroscopy discriminates malignant follicular lymphoma from benign follicular hyperplasia and from tumour metastasis

Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive label-free technique providing biochemical tissue fingerprint. The objective of the present work was to test if Raman spectroscopy is a suitable tool to differentiate lymph nodes affected by different conditions, such as reactive follicular hyperplasia (benign), follicular lymphoma (low grade primary tumour), diffuse large B cell lymphoma (high grade primary tumour) and tumour metastasis (secondary tumours). Moreover, we tested its ability to discriminate follicular lymphomas by the tumour grade and the BCL2 protein expression.

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