
The role of prophylactic central compartment lymph node dissection in elderly patients with differentiated thyroid cancer: A multicentric study

Background: Prophylactic central neck lymph-nodes dissection is still a topic of major debate in Literature. There is a lack of randomized controlled trials proving advantages in its application in terms of overall survival and local recurrence. Due to the recent rapid increase of elderly population, differentiated tumor carcinoma diagnosis increased in patients over 65 years old. The aim of this study was to compare recurrence rate, complications rate and histological features of tumors in elderly population.

Parathyroid reimplantation with PR-FaST technique in unselected patients during thyroidectomy. A case series with long term follow up confirming graft vitality and parathormone production

Parathyroid damage or unintentional excision still affect thyroid surgery and may cause permanent hypoparathyroidism. The only way to recover the excised or ischemic gland functionality is still reimplantation. Many sites of reimplantation have been described, each of one showing both advantages and drawbacks. The aim of this study is to verify results of a new procedure called PR-FaST: Parathyroid Reimplantation in Forearm Subcutaneous Tissue, in a series of unselected patients after long-term follow-up.

Parathyroid autotransplantation during thyroid surgery. Where we are? A systematic review on indications and results

Introduction: Hypoparathyroidism still represents an important concern in thyroid surgery. Careful dissection with identification and preservation of parathyroid glands in situ remains the best way to maintain gland vitality and avoid post-operative failure. Nevertheless, parathyroid glands are still inadvertently removed in up to 11% of cases. Parathyroid autotransplantation may represent the only way to restore parathyroid gland functionality in case of inadvertent removal or devascularization during thyroid surgery.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma