
The relevance of fascial surgical repair in the management of pelvic organ prolapse (POP)

Purpose: To evaluate the anatomical and functional outcomes and post-operative compliance of fascial surgical repair in the management of pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Materials and Methods: The authors analyzed 147 patients before and after surgical treatment for POP analyzing pre- and post-operative symptoms. Patients were divided into two groups: group A patients who underwent vaginal hysterectomy, associated with anterior, posterior, and/or both vaginal repair; group B that underwent only anterior and/or posterior surgical vaginal correction.

Comparative effectiveness and impact on health-related quality of life of hysterectomy vs. levonorgestrel intra-uterine system for abnormal uterine bleeding

OBJECTIVE: To compare hysterectomy and levonorgestrel intra-uterine system (LNG-IUS) for the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) and iron deficiency anemia. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective

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