La tematica della qualità ambientale e dell'inquinamento indoor nello scenario contemporaneo

Nel quadro delle tematiche relative alla sostenibilità ambientale, la problematica dell’inquinamento ambientale indoor non ha ancora raggiunto, nell’ambito del contesto normativo da un lato e delle discipline di progettazione dello spazio costruito dall’altro, un livello di considerazione congruente con l’entità delle specifiche problematiche e conseguenze sulla salubrità degli spazi abitati ad essa correlate, soprattutto di ordine sanitario.

Modelling VOC Emissions from Building Materials for Healthy Building Design

The profound qualitative changes of indoor air and the progressive increase in the absolute number of pollutants, combined with the scientific awareness of the health impacts deriving from spending more than 90% of one’s time inside confined spaces, have increased the attention onto the needs of well-being, hygiene, and the health of users. This scientific attention has produced studies and analyses useful for evidence-based insights into building performance.

BIM for Healthy Buildings. An Integrated Approach of Architectural Design based on IAQ Prediction

The relationship between users and the built environment represents a fundamental aspect of health. The factors that define the properties linked to health and well-being are increasingly becoming part of building design. In these terms, building information modelling (BIM) and BIM-based performance simulation take on a priority role. Among the key features for the design of Healthy Buildings, indoor air quality (IAQ) plays a central role. There are numerous indoor pollutants with significant health effects; volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are to be mentioned among these.

A General Approach for Retrofit of Existing Buildings Towards NZEB: The Windows Retrofit Effects on Indoor Air Quality and the Use of Low Temperature District Heating

The European Union, through the Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD), has recently set the minimum requirements in order to reduce the energy consumption of existing buildings and achieving nearly zero energy buildings (NZEBs). In order to comply with these requirements different aspects of the building sector have to be dealt with.

Impianti termici negli edifici. Impianti di riscaldamento e condizionamento

Impianti termici negli edifici/Impianti di riscaldamento e condizionamento. Generalita - Scambi termoigrometrici tra corpo umano e ambiente - Condizioni di benessere - Condizioni esterne di riferimento - Impianti di riscaldamento - Calcolo di carichi termici - Corpi scaldanti - Distribuzione del calore - Impianti a circolazione forzata - Impianti a vapore a bassa pressione- Termoventilazione - Calcolo di carichi termici e portata di aria per

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