III-V semiconductor materials

A multi-purpose low-energy proton source for tailoring the properties of quantum materials, advanced insulators for optics, and solid cells for energy applications (AMLET)


The Kaufman source acquired allows varying the proton beam energy from 10 to 1200 eV with a high degree of reproducibility and control. The same applies to the dose of incorporated protons. These very important parameters are typically hard to control by other systems, such as plasma sources or electrochemical methods. Indeed, Kaufman sources are configured to have the region of gas ionization physically separate from the intended target, avoiding exposure of the samples to intense and potentially damaging electric fields.

Computing and bandwidth resource allocation in multi-provider NFV environment

We propose an algorithm for the cloud and bandwidth resource allocation in Multi-Provider NFV environments. The resources are allocated so as to take into account the different costs charged by the cloud Infrastructure Providers (InP). The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is confirmed from the comparison with the results of the optimal problem. Its application in medium and large networks has shown that it can lead to cost saving as high as 65% with respect to algorithms that allocate resources without taking into account the cost differences charged by the InPs.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma