Imaging rover

Imaging rover technology: characteristics, possibilities and possible improvements

The terrestrial photogrammetric survey allows to acquire geometric characteristics of objects quickly and with handy and inexpensive hardware. Traditionally, these measurements require some hours of time between the choice of the acquisition points, the setting up of the camera, the survey of the topographic support network and subsequent processing of the acquired data.

First geomatic restitution of the sinkhole known as "Pozzo del Merro" (Italy), with the integration and comparison of "classic" and innovative geomatic techniques

The sinkhole known as 'Pozzo del Merro' possesses unusual, geological and natural features, providing an important opportunity to study the geological and hydrological characteristics of the area, and, at the same time, to preserve an ecosystem inhabited by rare species. The site has been the object of numerous studies carried out by scholars from a wide range of disciplines, but a true morphological survey has not been performed until now due to logistical difficulties that include the lack of adequate measuring positions and the difficulty of establishing a clear view between points.

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