implicit measurement

Applying the latent state-trait analysis to decompose state, trait, and error components of the self-esteem implicit association test

In the literature, self-report scales of Self-Esteem (SE) often showed a higher test-retest correlation and a lower situational variability compared to implicit measures. Moreover, several studies showed a close to zero implicit-explicit correlation. Applying a latent state-trait (LST) model on a sample of 95 participants (80 females, mean age: 22.49 ± 6.77 years) assessed at five measurement occasions, the present study aims at decomposing latent trait, latent state residual, and measurement error of the SE Implicit Association Test (SE-IAT).

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma