indicator species analysis

Revision of the central Mediterranean xerothermic cliff vegetation

Questions: What are the syntaxonomic and synchorological patterns of the xerothermic
chasmophytic vegetation in the central part of the Mediterranean Basin?
What are the diagnostic species of the high-rank
syntaxa of Asplenietalia glandulosi,
Onosmetalia frutescentis and Centaureo dalmaticae-Campanuletalia pyramidalis?
Location: Mediterranean coastal and subcoastal areas of southern France, Italy,
Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and of mainland

Detecting phytogeographic units based on native woody flora. A case study in central Peninsular Italy

We present a statistically derived phytogeographic regionalization based on the spatial distribution of native woody flora, investigating environmental correlates and assessing congruence between the spatial patterns of species, genera, and families. A sector of central peninsular Italy (Lazio and Abruzzo regions) was selected as a case study. A rich georeferenced floristic database was compiled, including information from different sources.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma