
Indicators Definition

The measurement in socioeconomic context is achieved as a consequence of a definition confirmed through the relationship observed between observations and the concept to be measured. Almost all the measures developed in social sciences belong to this group. The measures developed in this context are defined indicators.

What, where, and how measuring industrial symbiosis: A reasoned taxonomy of relevant indicators

During the last two decades, the literature devoted great attention to industrial symbiosis (IS) as an effective strategy to achieve environmental, economic, and social benefits. Accordingly, a wide range of numerical indicators – highly different among them for scope, definition, purpose, and applications – have been developed, to characterize and measure IS. The paper proposes a taxonomy of these indicators with the aim of facilitating their adoption and proper usage in practice.

Brevi note sull'intersezione tra linguaggio ordinario e concettualizzazione sociologica nella ricerca sociale

L'articolo propone una breve riflessione sulla continua contaminazione tra conoscenza comune, linguaggio comune e conoscenza e linguaggio scientifico. Si presta particolare attenzione al processo di costruzione dei concetti sottolineando l'importanza della conoscenza comune sia nella vita quotidiana sia nell'attività scientifica.

Congruence across taxa and spatial scales: Are we asking too much of species data?

Aim: Biodiversity monitoring and conservation are extremely complex, and surrogate taxa may represent proxies to test methods and solutions. However, cross-taxon correlations in species diversity (i.e., cross-taxon congruence) may vary widely with spatial scale. Our goal is to assess how cross-taxon congruence varies with spatial scale in European temperate forests. We expect that congruence in species diversity increases when shifting from fine to coarse spatial scales, with differences between species richness and composition, and across pairs of taxonomic groups.

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