
L’erosione del paradigma della soggettività Tra individualità e singolarità: il Rameau di Diderot

L'articolo intende analizzare attraverso il remake contemporaneo del Nipote di Rameau di Duderot, il recupero dell'idea di individualità (individuo 2.0) a fronte di una crirtica ai punti deboli del decostruzionismo che cercano di subordinare l'idea tradizionale di individuo sacrificando il senso di unità, interiorità e autenticità a favore di un agire unificato che infrange il paradigma della soggettività.

Luther and the Revolution of the Individual

The work focuses the legacy of Luther of man as “individual singularity” -according to the nominalist model- but in his original representation, now understood as completely self-centered, turned only towards himself and the objects of his concupiscence and, for that reason, capable only of evil. This representation produces the idea of specularity between God and man and, methodologically, the introduction of an oppositive dialectic, wich leads to the modern paradigm of interhuman compulsory conflict

Individual, relational, and contextual dynamics of emotions

This volume of Research on Emotions in Organizations contributes to the ongoing study of emotion-related forces that shape the functioning of the individual, interpersonal workplace relationships and the organizational system as a whole. The chapters in this book demonstrate the complex interplay between emotion, cognitive processes, brain functioning and contextual factors that contribute to a better understanding of organizational behavior at multiple levels of workplace life and in the context of a fast paced, uncertain and dynamically changing work environment.

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