
Tra tékhnē e processi mentali. Riflessioni su alcuni dati linguistici ittiti e micenei

The aim of the present paper is twofold. Through the analysis of some words related to the process of weaving in Mycenaean and Hittite documentation, we have tried to verify the presence of a semantic shift from this ‘practical’ concept towards a metaphorical usage. This ‘semantic reworking’ does not seem to be present in either of those second millennium languages, but it is possible to observe some specific peculiarities. On the one hand, Mycenaean data show some linguistic indications of this metaphorical shift that are also attested in the later Homeric epics.

Recensione di Melanie Malzahn, Michaël Peyrot, Hannes A. Fellner, Theresa-Susanna Illés (eds.), Tocharian Texts in Context. International Conference on Tocharian<br /> Manuscripts and Silk Road Culture, June 25-29th, 2013, Bremen, Hempen, 2015, pp.

Il presente contributo è una recensione di un volume edito da Melanie Malzahn, Michaël Peyrot (et al.) e pubblicato nel 2013 presso Hempen Verlag. Il volume raccoglie gli atti di una Conferenza internazionale di stampo prettamente interdisciplinare, tenutasi a Vienna nel mese di giugno 2013 e sovvenzionata dalla Austrian Science Fund (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichenForschung).

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