indoor environment

Towards an update of the Italian Ministerial Decree July 5th, 1975

In recent years, the Scientific Community and the Public Health world, in general, have devoted increasing interest to housing conditions, which are considered, to date, one of the main environmental and social determinants of the population's health. In particular, the Scientific Community has identified and studied various indoor well-being factors (e.g. lighting, temperature, ventilation, air quality, etc.).

Design and hygiene issues in sports facilities. A pilot study which investigates fitness centres by using a multidisciplinary tool

INTRODUZIONE: La consapevolezza dei benefici dell'attività fisica sulla salute da parte del grande pubblico ha aumentato il numero di persone che la praticano negli ultimi anni. Le palestre sono il luogo principale - come il principale ambiente interno - per praticare attività fisica. METODI: uno strumento multidisciplinare è stato utilizzato principalmente per studiare e analizzare gli aspetti generali dei centri fitness, quindi è stato creato uno strumento di valutazione per valutare un aspetto specifico come posizione, dimensione, manutenzione, ecc.

Analysis of the exchange of pollutant and momentum between outdoor and indoor environments. The case of a classroom in the framework of the VIEPI project

Evaluation of pollutant exposure and concentration peaks to which individuals are subjected in confined environments is a fundamental issue particularly in urban areas, where air pollution is due to both internal and external sources. In this work, concentration fields of indoor pollutants within a classroom of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” were numerically and experimentally investigated in the framework of the VIEPI project (Integrated Evaluation of Indoor Particulate Exposure).

Numerical and experimental analysis of flow and particulate matter dispersion in indoor environment

Reducing indoor particulate matter (PM) concentration is an issue of concern from an environmental point of view as the world's population spend only 4% of their time outdoors. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a fundamental tool for predicting indoor pollutant dispersion and improving knowledge on how indoor and outdoor environments interact in terms of pollutant and momentum exchanges. In this paper, an unsteady CFD simulation has been carried out to investigate the airflow and PM concentration in a classroom of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

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