Industry 4.0

Technological design and social innovation

The Architectural Technology has always proposed a correct approach to design,
considered as the core of the building process, by identifying appropriate tools in order
to manage its complexity. Such tools are even more valid today in the perspective of a
new social demand and a transition of the building sector to Industry 4.0. However, this
is jeopardised by the budget cuts in welfare and the University: professional degrees
and industrial doctorates are not enough. It is therefore more often necessary to refer to

Literature review on digitalization capabilities: Co-citation analysis of antecedents, conceptualization and consequences

Recent decades have witnessed increased number of studies focusing on digitalization and related capabilities. Across disciplines digitalization capability is viewed as a sources of sustained competiveness. Nonetheless, several issues related to conceptualizing digitalization capabilities remain ambivalent.

Can the role of Blockchain improve sustainability? The technology 4.0 challenges

In 2015, the 17 "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" were announced by the United Nations, providing a common framework with the aim of creating a more sustainable society. SDG 9 "building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation", underlines the role that innovation plays in supporting sustainable development. It is recognized that the expansion of technology has the potential to accelerate humanity's progress by promoting social and economic development.

Industry 4.0 in Management Studies: A Systematic Literature Review

Recent developments in production processes and their automation have led to the
definition of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, commonly known as “Industry 4.0”. Industry 4.0 is a
very broad domain that includes: production processes, efficiency, data management, relationship
with consumers, competitiveness, and much more. At the same time, obviously, Industry 4.0 has
become a new theme for management scholars and business economics disciplines and a number
of contributions covering various issues and aspects have been published. However, a systematic

How digital transformation is reshaping the manufacturing industry value chain: The new digital manufacturing ecosystem applied to a case study from the food industry

The rapid development and adoption of Internet and digital technologies
dramatically changed business processes, leading to a disruptive digital transformation
of the whole industry value chain. The so-called Industry 4.0 refers to a
complex evolution of the entire industrial sector that includes technological
advances in production equipment (i.e. Additive Manufacturing), smart finished
products (IoT), data tools and analytics, involving activities and stakeholders at all

ERP 4.0 per una corretta gestione dei rifiuti

The world of waste management industry is changing rapidly, and more and more companies are relying on advanced technologies enhanced by state-of-the-art waste management software, able to exploit innovative technologies never seen before. In the waste management industry, as in any other production sector, transparency and clarity of information are required. Indeed, these values are the foundations of the ongoing digital transformation.

Chatting about processes in digital factories: A model-based approach

Using chatbots in digital factories, to interact with devices through instant messages and voice commands, can make the understanding of underlying manufacturing, logistic and business processes easier for workers. Intelligent chatbots can provide flexible conversations and tailor them to the specific users who are interacting. The iCHAT framework conceptually represents all the aspects related to a conversation, with different facets for the user, the conversation flow, and the conversation contents, and combining them to obtain a flexible interaction with the user.

Building information modelling (BIM) to enhance occupational safety in construction activities: Research trends emerging from one decade of studies

In recent years, the use of new technologies is rapidly transforming the way working activities are managed and carried out. In the construction industry, in particular, the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) is ever increasing as a means to improve the performances of numerous activities. In such a context, several studies have proposed BIM as a key process to augment occupational safety effectively, considering that the construction industry still remains one of the most hazardous working sectors.

Il FoodTech. Un nuovo intangible per la valorizzazione del territorio

Il diffondersi di nuove tecnologie informatiche e la loro adozione nei business aziendali hanno rappresentato l’evento scatenante dell’Industry 4.0, meglio nota come quarta rivoluzione industriale. Nello specifico, il termine “Industria 4.0” conia un nuovo approccio organizzativo che mira all’interconnessione di tutte le risorse di cui dispone l’azienda, ivi comprese quelle umane. Questa nuova prospettiva spinge all’utilizzo di tecnologie innovative e di nuovi fattori produttivi nell’ambito di rinnovate forme di organizzazione del lavoro.

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