
Analysis of rainfall-induced slope failures

The hydro-mechanical behaviour of a pyroclastic soil layer covering a steep slope has been numerically investigated by performing plane strain analyses using a finite element code. The mechanical behaviour of the volcanic soil has been simulated by means of an elastic-plastic constitutive model extended to unsaturated conditions. The influence of the geometry and soil properties on the slope response has been studied by modifying the slope angle, the permeability law and the water retention curve of the pyroclastic cover.

The integrated evaluation of indoor particulate exposure (VIEPI) project: Main goals and campaign description

Preliminary results concerning the VIEPI (Integrated Evaluation of Indoor Particulate Exposure) project are described. VIEPI project aimed at evaluating indoor air quality and exposure to particulate matter (PM) of humans within workplaces. Infiltration factors of PM in indoor environments of different sizes with different air ventilation regimes as well as their dependence on outdoor and indoor micrometeorology characteristics are some of the goals of the project. For these purposes, several indoor environments located on different sites of the Rome area were considered for the analysis.

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