
CO2 inflow and elements desorption prior to a seismic sequence, Amatrice-Norcia 2016, Italy

The 2016 Mw ≥ 6.0 Amatrice-Norcia earthquakes (central Apennines, Italy) and the related seismic sequence were associated with increases in arsenic and vanadium concentrations recorded in groundwater springs a few months before the earthquakes occurred. To evaluate these signals as reliable seismic precursors and effective predictive tools, we studied the geochemical processes that caused these anomalies.

Is the endovascular treatment of mild iliac stenoses worthwhile to improve wound healing in patients undergoing femorotibial bypass?

After an infrapopliteal reconstruction, minor amputations are frequently required, but even in the case of successful revascularization, wound healing is a major concern. We studied the role of iliac artery inflow correction in patients undergoing infrapopliteal vein grafts to improve the heal of midfoot amputation.

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