information technology

Strumenti per la nuova agenda urbana

Le Pubbliche Amministrazioni, la società civile, le imprese e gli Enti di Ricerca sono i principali motori dello sviluppo sostenibile. L'obiettivo di migliorare il progresso ambientale, economico, sociale e culturale delle aree urbane è una questione trasversale tra Agenda urbana per l'UE, Nuova Agenda Urbana delle Nazioni Unite e gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs, Agenda ONU 2030 sullo sviluppo sostenibile).

Innovation capability in geographically dispersed R&D teams. The role of social capital and IT support

The internationalization of R&D activities has become crucial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to create sources of competitive advantage. This research aims to analyze the role of social capital and information technology (IT) in enhancing knowledge sharing and innovation capabilities in the particular context of SMEs with geographically dispersed R&D teams.

Una eredità viva di Bruno Zevi: la rivoluzione informatica in architettura. Bruno Zevi’s Living Legacy: The IT Revolution in Architecture

The IT Revolution in Architecture” is the most signicant contribution the author has been able to offer to the international debate about architecture. Published in various languages between 1998 and 2015, the 38 books of the series explored a new and necessary subject. They catalyzed the interest of readers and supported the evolution of a generation of architects who have since played a key role in the architectural debate.

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