
Barriers and drivers in the adoption of advanced wastewater treatment technologies: a comparative analysis of Italian utilities

The adoption of new environmentally-friendly technologies is becoming a key issue in both public debate and policy arenas. The paper focuses on innovation adoption by wastewater utilities, and investigates why stringent environmental regulations are not sufficient to foster it. The adoption of advanced wastewater treatment technologies is made complex by the sunk nature of highly specific infrastructures, and the consequent exposure of utilities to political and institutional influences.

UnLost Territories. Ricostruire la periferia a Roma. Architettura e società nei territori abbandonati. Roma, 2016-2019

UnLost Territories: Ricostruire la periferia a Roma. Architettura e società nei territori abbandonati è una proposta progettuale sviluppata a partire dal 2016 e conclusasi nel 2019, dalla Cattedra di Antonino Saggio alla Facoltà di Architettura di "Sapienza" Università di Roma.

Urban geo big data

The paper deals with the general presentation of the Urban GEO BIG DATA, a collaborative acentric and distributed Free and Open Source (FOS) platform consisting of several components: local data nodes for data and related service Web deploy; a visualization node for data fruition; a catalog node for data discovery; a CityGML modeler; data-rich viewers based on virtual globes; an INSPIRE metadata management system enriched with quality indicators for each dataset.Three use cases in five Italian cities (Turin, Milan, Padua, Rome, and Naples) are examined: 1) urban mobility; 2) land cover and

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